Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Random II

This is a complete random piece of work with just one outlying message. It will be conveyed while you read

Thousands of thought are generated by the normal human mind in a single day(About 60,000 of which about 56,400 are about our own needs, wants ans concerns). Out of these thoughts, some are related to an individual or a group of individuals. These individuals are in someway influencing your lives. Some due to recent interactions and some due to your constant exposure to them(it sounds like some reaction) 

Now what i want you to do is just start your day with the following thought in mind - Keep a count of how many times a person(S)(lets call him/her a person , individual sounds too formal) comes to your mind and try to relate the recent events in your life with that person. This way you can figure out why you are having thoughts about that person. It may be because of separation , infatuation , admiration or just pure friendship. Whatever be the reason these individuals are there in your mind,fiddling with it, your dreams so why not figure out why they are there( i am pretty sure many of you have it all figured out , but just try doing will get some certainty in this otherwise uncertain life)

Coming to why i wrote this post
The following lucid dream made me think and whatever you see is the result of the following 

Scene I 
It was a rainy day and she was all drenched. Her wet long locks were brushing her back and the almost white color of her skin contrasted with the navy blue colored top of hers. I could see her trying to dry herself and she saw me peeping through. As she caught a glimpse of me trying to catch a glimpse of her she jumped to reach me and then she would kiss my face over and over again, with her silky wet hair, moistening it with the perfume of an inexplicable fragrance.( line courtesy- Abhinav Mathur). 

This is the small dream i had and it explains multiple things
First of all the female character , newly found friend , 
Rain - All because of the rains in Mumbai 
Perfume- the lady is fond of perfumes

All i want to say is that there is some hidden meaning in our thoughts , try to observe them , try to correlate and fit them into the bigger picture.