December Coldplay announced their final closing album; this event not only triggered a series of sad emotions, Coldplay
videos on loop but an insight as well. Visiting a Coldplay concert along with other items is one of the top items in my bucket list. Talking
about lists, one’s life(not you Neo Anderson) is full of lists ,some independent and some dependent
on other lists. Right from inception till death, there are lists. As a child
list of do’s and don’ts, list of your favorite toys, list of items one is
allowed to eat. With time as life goes on
and gets so heavy more lists come into picture, list of favorite people, crushes,
friends, songs, and more songs. The lists are dynamic and keep on growing in
size and number ; list of fantasies ; list of favorite games ; list of football fantasy teams , the
bucket list ,list of things to do when bored in class , list of pick-up lines
and lists lists lists. Almost everything one like’s or does is an item in some
list. One particular list of interest is of who one perceives to be his/her friends , this list is of vital importance and should be taken care of with
utmost importance , though there are jumpers who get in and out of this list ,
one should keep track of this single most important list he/she is gonna make
one of the marketing lectures I attended , it was explained that in general
humans make mental lists in their minds of things they like and at most
remember the first three entries in it , the point that I am trying to make is
that given so many lists one has , a person remembers only the top entries ,
rest all are more or less not important. All one has to do is get the lists right , coz there is so
much to do in such less time. Go ponder who and what belongs to which list ,
and start crossing items in your lists.
– Here is one of the greatest Coldplay song and a gateway to the rest