Friday, January 14, 2011

The post that expired long back

Well i heard somewhere "initiating is the most difficult part" finally here i am blogging.
The act have multiple reasons but we can leave it for some other day

seems like a geeky name well can be attributed to a part of my personality, i managed to assemble a image
as u can see above.
This image explains the name
Maverick m4a1 used to be my favorite weapon when i played Counter Strike(most played LAN game)
if u notice the image carefully there is a maroon logo sort of thing... its Maverick Meerkat (Linux Ubuntu version 10.10) , successor of the OS i installed recently (for learning point of view)
the white plane and maverick written in bold is from the movie Top Gun , which was amongst the first movie i saw on a PC
and the right top corner is an ad of Ford indicating my interest in cars
and the most important of all taking the dictionary meaning of the word "maverick" which defines me

well i guess this is enough for the first post.

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